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Some of Khalifa University’s top researchers will represent the institution at XPANSE 2024 in Abu Dhabi.

Some of Khalifa University’s top researchers will represent the institution at XPANSE 2024 in Abu Dhabi.

The inaugural forum Nov. 20-22 seeks to gather researchers, industry leaders, government officials and other thought leaders from around the world to discuss such fields as genomics, exotic computing, organoid intelligence and sentient cities.

Set to represent KU are: Yahya Zweiri, director of the Advanced Research and Innovation Center; Habiba Al Safar, dean of the College of Health Sciences and Medicine; Yarjan Samad, assistant professor of aerospace engineering; and Lucia Delogu, associate professor of biological sciences.

Suzanne Condie Lambert, editor of KUST Review and, will lead a panel discussion on agricultural technology.

Other scheduled speakers from Abu Dhabi include Najwa Aaraj, CEO of TII; Sana Amairi-Pyka, who studies quantum computing for TII; physicist Merritt Moore from NYU Abu Dhabi; and Hoda Alkhzaimi, founder and director of the Emerging Advanced Research Acceleration for Technologies, Security and Cryptology research lab and center. 

Other leaders on the schedule feature Nobel laureates Roger Penrose, Stephen Chu and Anton Zeilinger; MIT Media Lab associate director Hiroshi Ishii; Stability AI CEO Prem Akkaraju; and former United Nations Under-Secretary General Cristina Gallach.

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